EPaper - National Digital Archives Program (2007 Feb)
The Latest News
William Blake Notebook online at the British Library
National Preservation Office Training Day
The Library of Congress: Genealogy Orientation
Introduction of NDAP
Introducing NDAP
Digital Gallery
[Digital Gallery] welcomes digitized archives all over the world!
Interviewing Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica and program director of the second phase of NDAP
Please tell us what's on your mind!
Digital Gallery >
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[Digital Gallery] welcomes digitized archives all over the world!
Digital Information: the New and Creative Way of Communicating/Carol Yang

[Digital Gallery] chiefly introduces digitized archives. In addition to display the achievements of NDAP, [Digital Gallery] also wishes to bring the audiences visual feast on the attractiveness of digital archives. We welcome digitized collections all over the world. If you have any decent piece of work, please email the archive and its commentary to newsletter@ndap.org.tw. We will help you to let more people appreciate your work.

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