EPaper - National Digital Archives Program (2007 Feb)
The Latest News
William Blake Notebook online at the British Library
National Preservation Office Training Day
The Library of Congress: Genealogy Orientation
Introduction of NDAP
Introducing NDAP
Digital Gallery
[Digital Gallery] welcomes digitized archives all over the world!
Interviewing Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica and program director of the second phase of NDAP
Please tell us what's on your mind!
Resounding >
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Please tell us what's on your mind!
Programme Assistant of Digital Information: the New and Creative Way of Communicating/Carol Yang

[Resounding] is a free area which allows all readers communicate with each other online. The purposes of [Resounding] are to respond feedbacks and to enrich reactions on the topic of digitised archives. No matter it is your personal experiences, Q & A or some ideas striking upon certain issues, you can email us at newsletter@ndap.org.tw. Our editing team will post your opinions into next issue. Thanks for your support to EPaper of NDAP.

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