An overview of Chinese language e-learning websites (part1)Return
TELDAP e-Newsletter (June, 2010)
An overview of Chinese language e-learning websites (part1)
The Institute for Information Industry/Hsu Jin-ru
A wave of interest in learning Chinese is growing all over the world, giving rise to Chinese language learning methods and teaching materials that are changing all the time. As on-line learning becomes more popular, Chinese learning websites have appeared like bamboo shoots after the spring rains, providing customized learning methods and courses for different groups of learners, a convenient and real-time method that allows learners around the world to quickly learn Chinese and helping make Chinese a global language. This article will examine 11 of the hottest Chinese learning website around the world to provide an understanding of trends in on-line Chinese learning. In the first part five of these websites will be introduced. 1. Livemocha (1)Aim:In the Livemocha Internet community when you log-in you can be a teacher or a student, that is to say, you teach me English and I teach you Chinese, learning language online while making friends. (2)Ability Level:Level 101is for people with no previous Chinese learning;Level 102 is for students who can self-introduce and understand instructions in Chinese;Level 201 is for students who can asks questions freely and understand simple dialogue;Level 202 is for students who can hold a simple conversation and understand slightly complex dialogue. (3)Teaching materials and courses:beginner, intermediate and travel Chinese (4)Teaching methods(including main points of learning): 1. Teaching takes the form of looking pictures, listening and making sentences. Students are given a picture and played a sentence to show them how to pronounce and write it. The sentence can be played over and over and the learner can adjust their pronunciation. 2. Students are asked to make a sentence or write and then Mocha users are invited to mark and correct. 3. Students are given a sentence, an article or a picture and asked to read it or describe it. This is recorded then Mocha users are invited to correct it. (5) Method of taking class (including learning form):Students are encouraged to practice dialogue online with native speakers and use what they learn. Suggestions to help learners are also received from native speakers. Classes gradually increases in difficulty (6) After class follow up:The course provides listening and reading practice. For speaking and writing practice, after finishing a class the learner can post their practice on the Livemocha website and received feedback and suggestions from other users. 2.eChineseLearning (1) Aims:provide excellent professional teaching services (2) Ability Level:General Chinese for adults-9 levels;Business Chinese for adults-9 levels;Daily use Chinese for adult: beginner, intermediate advanced;Travel Chinese for adults- 2 levels;cultural Chinese for adults-2 levels;HSK- beginners, intermediate advanced;General Chinese for youth-6 levels ;YCT(Youth Chinese Test) exam preparation course -3 levels ;Children’s Chinese -6 levels. (3) Teaching materials and courses:Adult Chinese, Youth Chinese (10-17 years old) and Children’s Chinese (3 to 9 years old) courses. (4) Teaching methods(including main points of learning):Online simultaneous Chinese courses and personal instruction (a Chinese learning plan is made according to student language ability, learning habits and cultural background) (5) Method of taking class (including learning form):Online arranging of classes, one-on-one teaching (6)Teachers:eChineseLearning’s teaching team are all from Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Capital Normal University and other renowned Chinese universities. All teachers receive strict online teaching training and have to pass an exam to teach. 3.ChinesePod (1) Aims:Use technology to make learning fun:Short daily courses are broadcast, with lessons aiming to be humorous and nurture rhetorical skills. The lesson content can be downloaded onto a student’s MP3 or mobile phone so they can listen when they want. (2) Ability Level:six levels of difficulty (3) Teaching materials and courses:The first three levels introduce simple words and tonal changes in simple situations. As the level increases the amount of dialogue and speed is also raised. From level five on instruction is all in Chinese. Level six discusses current affairs. (4) Teaching methods(including main points of learning):Learners can download course content free from ChinesePod to their iPod, then learning using the online services. (5) Method of taking class (including learning form): 1. Discussion:Members discuss the content of the day’s lessons。 2. Dialogue:The content of dialogue and the pronunciation of each sentence are displayed. 3. Vocabulary:Pronunciation and spelling of words 4. Further learning:Related vocabulary sentence structure and spelling 5. Practice:Filling in the missing word and other practice sentences 4.GuavaTalk (1) Aims:Emphasize teaching quality and effective learning methods (2) Ability Level:six levels of difficulty (3) Teaching materials and courses:Chinese conversation, Chinese home tutor, HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) and AP Chinese test (4) Teaching methods(including main points of learning):one-on-one online teaching (5) Method of taking class (including learning form):Simultaneous online teaching. The overall progress of the student can be followed and recorded by teachers. (6) After class follow up:Learners can download teaching materials and test themselves, then post the work online and read teacher comments. 5.ActiveChinese (1) Aims:Use lively animated classes to allow students to learn in a virtual classroom. (2) Ability Level: 1. specialized version –beginner, advanced beginner, lower intermediate, intermediate. 2.Campus version –no grades 3.Children’s version - no grades 4.Travel version - no grades (3) Teaching materials and courses: 1.Customized teaching and teaching materials 2.The course contents are dialogue type stories, divided into specialized, campus, children’s and travel versions. (4) Teaching methods(including main points of learning):Emphasis on nurturing solid listening, speaking skills, word recognition and writing ability. (5)Method of taking class (including learning form) Uses Flash animation. Classes can be downloaded to MP3 and MP4. (6) After class follow up:has a discussion area so learners and teachers can exchange opinions after class The teachers can also monitor the time a learner has spent on each class at any time.
(To be continued)
Publisher:Fan-Sen Wang, Vice President of Academia Sinica Editor-in-Chief:Zong-Kun Li Publishing Department:Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 115, Taiwan TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183 FAX: (02) 2786-8834
Issue:TELDAP e-Newsletter (June, 2010) Publish Date:06/15 /2010 First Issue:02/15 /2007(Published on 15th every 2 months)
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