正如同英國文化、通訊與創意工業部部長艾德偉擇(Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries)所言:「英國報紙檔案中蘊藏著豐富而巨大的資源,承載了歷史的諸多細節。這個計畫透過公部門與民間公司合作,互取所需,整合資源。我試著尋找我自己的選區蒂奇(Wantage),並在幾秒內得到42000個結果,完整呈現資訊的廣度和平台的功能與特色。很高興藉由大英圖書館和brightsolid的共同努力,為大眾打造一個方便近用公共記憶的平台。」
Publisher:Fan-Sen Wang, Vice President of Academia Sinica Editor-in-Chief:Zong-Kun Li Publishing Department:Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 115, Taiwan TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183 FAX: (02) 2786-8834 E-mail:newsletter@teldap.tw
Issue:數位典藏與學習電子報 第十卷第十二期 Publish Date:12/15 /2011 First Issue:02/15 /2007(Published on 15th every 2 months)
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