由劉顯親教授主持的「前瞻性數位英文學習中心CANDLE之研發」計畫,已開發、建立一個能適時調整內容,符合「因材施教」特徵的英文個別化學習系統,並取名為CANDLE(Corpora And NLP for Digital Learning of English),提供公開且免費的服務。此平台利用數位語料庫,提供學習者大量真實的英文例句,讓學習者可以從例句中歸納語料、學習英文。此外,它也根據學生的英文程度,以不同的語料庫,設計各式學習活動,提供適合學習者的聽、說、讀、寫、文化、翻譯等教材,以及合適的練習題目,讓學習者藉此精進其英語技能。
Publisher:Fan-Sen Wang, Vice President of Academia Sinica Editor-in-Chief:Zong-Kun Li Publishing Department:Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 115, Taiwan TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183 FAX: (02) 2786-8834 E-mail:newsletter@teldap.tw
Issue:數位典藏與學習電子報 第十一卷第十一期 Publish Date:11/15 /2012 First Issue:02/15 /2007(Published on 15th every 2 months)
The copyright of all contents in this e-Newsletter belongs to TELDAP,Taiwan. The e-Newsletter publishing system is supported by the Core Platforms for Digital Contents Project for TELDAP.