今年度行動設備最熱門的服務莫過於LBS(Location Based Service),根據WIKI百科的定義,LBS稱為適地性服務、移動定位服務、位置服務,它是透過移動運營商的無線電通訊網路(如GSM網、CDMA網)或外部定位方式(如GPS)獲取移動終端使用者的位置訊息(地理座標)。在GIS平台的支援下,為使用者提供相應服務的一種增值業務。
Publisher:Fan-Sen Wang, Vice President of Academia Sinica Editor-in-Chief:Zong-Kun Li Publishing Department:Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 115, Taiwan TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183 FAX: (02) 2786-8834 E-mail:newsletter@teldap.tw
Issue:數位典藏與學習電子報 第九卷第九期 Publish Date:09/15 /2010 First Issue:02/15 /2007(Published on 15th every 2 months)
The copyright of all contents in this e-Newsletter belongs to TELDAP,Taiwan. The e-Newsletter publishing system is supported by the Core Platforms for Digital Contents Project for TELDAP.