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  Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP


數位典藏與學習電子報 TELDAP e-Newsletter
African American History Month (Library of Congress)
Library of Congress/African American History Month

Display at the Library of Congress

February 1-29, 2008

A special display of items from the collections of the Library of Congress focusing on outstanding African Americans who, through their personal contributions and sacrifices, have helped enhance the origins of multiculturalism.


ISPRS 2008 BEIJING, 2008/07/03-11 @ Beijing, China
National Geomatics Center of China/HU Junhong

The four yearly Congress of ISPRS is the most important event in the ISPRS Calendar and offers a wealth of opportunity for anyone using images for measurement and analysis. The Twenty First Congress will be held in Beijing from 3rd to 11th July 2008. The journey from Istanbul in 2004 to Beijing in 2008, following the Silk Road used by traders since 200BC, symbolises the importance to ISPRS of international communication. It also recognises that ISPRS wishes to involve all nations and all cultures in its activities. The Congress was last held in Asia, in Kyoto, Japan, in 1988 and has since been held in Europe and North America. The last Congress in Istanbul started the move to bridge all continents and I hope that after Beijing, the Congress may move to other continents which have not previously hosted this event. The 2008 event is an opportunity for people of all nations to share their experiences with colleagues from around the world. ......More

IEEE/ION PLANS 2008, 03/05-08 @ Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, California, USA
IEEE/ION PLANS 2008/ION National Office

IEEE--the world's largest professional engineering organization--through its Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS), and the Institute of Navigation (ION), invite you to attend and enjoy the Position Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS 2008. PLANS is sponsored every two years. ......More

MCN Taiwan 2008 Annual Meeting
 /MCN Taiwan 2008 Annual Meeting

. ......More

NDAP International Conference
NDAP International Conference/Stella Shen


Cartoon America: A Library of Congress Exhibition
A Library of Congress Exhibition/The Library of Congress

James Arthur Wood, Jr., began collecting original cartoon art as a childhood hobby. Wood worked diligently throughout his professional life as an editorial cartoonist to showcase his collection. He ultimately turned to the Library of Congress to preserve and present his collection to the American people and the world. The Library's Art Wood Collection of Cartoon and Caricature contains more than 36,000 original cartoon drawings. The 102 drawings selected for this exhibition reflect Woods primary collecting interests and the vitality of an innovative and evolving art form. ......


Issue: TELDAP e-Newsletter (February, 2008)
Publish Date: 02/15 /2008
First Issue: 02/15 /2007
(Published on 15th every 2 months)

Publisher:Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica
Zong-Kun Li
Publishing Department:Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP
Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating
Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Phiology,
Academia Sinica No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District,
Taipei City 115, Taiwan
TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183
FAX: (02) 2786-8834

The copyright of all contents in this e-Newsletter belongs to TELDAP,Taiwan. The e-Newsletter publishing system is supported by team of Core Platforms for Digital Contents Project for TELDAP.

TELDAP Collections

數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program

Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program


數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 TELDAP.
