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  Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP


國家數位典藏電子報National Digital Archives Program Newsletter
[USA] Library of Congress To Host 12th Annual Meeting of the International Comic Arts Forum, Oct. 18-20
The Library of Congress/Public Affairs Office

The Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress will host the 12th annual meeting of the International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF), which will feature the Malaysian cartoonist Lat, the versatile comic artist Kyle Baker and many comic art scholars from around the world.......More

[China] ISPRS2008 - Deadline for Abstract Submission: 20 Oct. 2007
Congress Director, National Geomatics Center of China/Chen Jun

Important Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts
20 October 2007
Deadline for submission of full papers for peer review (Technical Commission III only) *
20 November 2007
Deadline for early registration
20 December 2007
Notification to authors of acceptance of papers
20 January 2008
Deadline for submission of full papers for best young authors awards
31 January 2008
Deadline for applications for Grants and Fellowships for attendees from developing countries
28 February 2007
Deadline for submission of full papers
30 April 2008
Deadline for registration to Tutorials and Workshops
30 April 2008
Deadline for guaranteed hotel reservations
31 May 2008

* The ISPRS Technical Commission III will undertake a peer review process for all of its oral technical sessions: WgS-PS: WG III/1~5, ThS–7 and ThS-22. Authors wishing to present papers in those sessions should submit their full papers by the deadline of 20 November 2007.


Digital Archives Exhibition Center, Academia Sinica Special Exhibition “Riding the Currents of History—Four Millenniums of Civilization and Technology”
The Project Assistant of the Digital Knowledge of Historical and Cultural Heritages developed in the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica/Chen Tai-ying

One could say that the most important thing that distinguishes human beings from every other living organism on this planet is the ability to generate emotions, thoughts, and memories, and to pass on such abstract information through time and space. It all began with face-to-face oral communication; then writing systems were created to extend the preservation time of memories and paper was invented so that no longer were humans confined to heavy and clumsy forms of media;......More

IFLA ALP Course on Information Literacy and IT for Information Professionals in Asia and Oceania Wellington, New Zealand; 12 November - 7 December 2007 Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

This four-week course organised on behalf of IFLA ALP was now in its fifth year in New Zealand, where it is held on the Victoria University campus. Focus is on information literacy, with special reference to needs and developments of countries in Asia and Oceania. The course covers the basics of information literacy and information literacy training skills needed by information professionals in a variety of settings, as well as current IT applications in libraries. Classroom participation and hands-on practice are interspersed with visits to leading libraries and information agencies in New Zealand.......More

[Moscow] Earth from space: The most effective solutions 2007; December 4-6, 2007
3rd International Conference "Earth from space - the most effective solutions"/Organizing and Program committees

Rapid development of the space information technology lately deprived the limited groups of specialists of the privilege to control telecommunications, navigation and remote sensing of the Earth from space, which took a giant step into our
day-to-day life. At present, we can witness how Earth observation from space helps to resolve a wide range of practical tasks, becoming a modern public information instrument.


2007 e-Learning Symposium - Melbourne, 9-11 December 2007 Symposium, 2007

Hosted by the Knowledge Design Forum, a research group in the Globalism Institute at RMIT, this symposium will bring together educators from all sectors (teachers, principals, teacher educators and researchers) and experts in the area of e-learning to explore new directions in e-learning.

Main speakers at the symposium will include leading thinkers and practitioners in the field of e-learning. The key questions to be addressed at the symposium are about the nature of learning using digital media and tools.


E-Newsletter of NDAP, Taiwan - Notice to contributors
Digital Information: the New and Creative Way of Communicating/The editorial team

This E-Newsletter is a communicating approach between all the projects and sub-projects of NDAP. [Resounding] is a special column for the readers to share their experiences which contributions related to digital archives are always welcomed. It would be better if the contributors are knowledgeable and interesting. In addition to general discussion and report, topics which are explorative, debated, even controversial are also welcomed. ......More

[Digital Gallery] welcomes digitized archives all over the world!
Digital Information: the New and Creative Way of Communicating/Carol Yang

[Digital Gallery] chiefly introduces digitized archives. In addition to display the achievements of NDAP, [Digital Gallery] also wishes to bring the audiences visual feast on the attractiveness of digital archives. ......More

Churchill and the Great Republic - A Library of Congress Exhibition
The Library of Congress/Churchill Exhibition

On April 17, 1945, British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill addressed the House of Commons on the occasion of President Franklin Roosevelt's death. He said of his friend and ally: "In war he had raised the strength, might and glory of the great Republic to a height never attained by any nation in history."

This exhibition examines the life and career of Winston Spencer Churchill and emphasizes his lifelong links with the United States--the nation he called "the great Republic." The exhibition comes nearly forty years after the death of Winston Churchill and sixty years after the D-Day allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France during World War II. It commemorates both of these events.



Issue: e-Newsletter - National Digital Archives Program , Taiwan (2007 October)
Publish Date: 10/15 /2007
First Issue: 02/15 /2007
(Published on 15th every 2 months)

Publisher:Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica
Zong-Kun Li
Publishing Department:National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan
Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating
Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Phiology,
Academia Sinica No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District,
Taipei City 115, Taiwan
TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183
FAX: (02) 2786-8834

The copyright of all contents in this e-paper belongs to NDAP,Taiwan. The e-paper publishing system is supported by team of Division of Network Core Platforms for NDAP.

TELDAP Collections

數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program

Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program


數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 TELDAP.
