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TELDAP e-Newsletter
  Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP


數位典藏與學習電子報 TELDAP e-Newsletter
Registration System for TELDAP Logo Design Contest is Now Online
TELDAP Office/Xiao Huan-lin


Organizer: Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP)

Contact: Xiao Huan-lin ;(02)2652-5275



Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) and Getty Research Institute (GRI) Announce Collaborative Relationship
PM, TELDAP Main Office/Shu-Jiun(Sophy)Chen

      Dr. Der-Tsai Lee, the deputy Director of Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program, also Director and Distinguished Research Fellow from the Institute of Information Sciences, Academia Sinica, led the members of TELDAP to the Getty Research Institute in Los Anegles to arrange research cooperation a few days ago. 


      Both sides discussed cooperation regarding the translation of “Art and Architecture Thesaurus, AAT” into Chinese, and also themes such as orientation, contents, methods, procedure, technology and authorization. Dr Lee delivered a lecture on the “National Digital Archives Program of Taiwan: Past, Present and Future” in the Getty Research Institute. Meanwhile, members of TELDAP also gave specific addresses regarding the project. At this meeting, MAAT published “MuseFusion Platform: Application of CDWA Lite / OAI-PMH among Digital Museum Archives,“ constructed by both MAAT and Standards SIG.

      The Getty Research Institute values this cooperation and hopes that, as a result, the Asian cultural contents of AAT can be promoted and the translation into Chinese of AAT can be carried out.


2008 Taiwan International Cultural & Creative Industries Exhibition
Taiwan External Trade Development Council/TAITRA Office

Date: October 23 –26, 2008

Venue: Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) Exhibition Hall 1


Organizer: Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)

Sponsor: Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA

Contact: Judy Yu ;(02)2725-5200#2628



3rd Digital Art Festival Taipei 2008
Digital Art Festival/Organizer

Date: September 12-November9, 2008

Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei


Organizer: Taipei City Government

Contact: 10:00am - 6:00pm ; (02)2778-9268


2008 International Conference on Survey Research Methodology
Center for Survey Research (CSR), RCHSS, Academia Sinica/Organizer

Date: September 11-12, 2008

Venue: Conference Hall, Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica  128, Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan

Registration Deadline: August 25, 2008. Website Registration

Conference Website:

Organizer: Center for Survey Research (CSR), RCHSS, Academia Sinica

Sponsor: National Science Council

Contact: Claire Hsieh ;(02)2788-4188#506


Sensing the World: New Generations of Geospatial Information Sensing Technologies and Applications
The Department of Geomatics NCKU/Organizer

Date: September 4–5, 2008

Venue: The Department of Geomatics National Cheng Kung University

No.1, University Road, Tainan City 70101, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Conference Website:

Organizer: The Department of Geomatics National Cheng Kung University

Contact: ;(06)2757-575#63806



Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2008-Call for Papers (TELearn 2008)
International Collaboration and Promotion of Taiwan Digital Archives and e-Learning Project Assistant/Shu Yi-lan

Date: December 4-6, 2008

Venue: La Thanh Hotel

218 Doi Can Str., Hanoi, Vietnam


Organizer: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

                National Science Council

                Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program Office



Accumulating Chinese digital content resources and building a knowledge economy chain for everyone
Intelligent Times/Sun,Wen-Show

Originally published on Intelligent Times 2008-06-04


      Digital content is generally defined as digitized spoken language, text, graphics and videos which have by means of information technology added value for use as products or services. Taiwan digital archives program is a government-sponsored science and technology program, and one of its main goals is "to digitize our national collections and cultural heritage, and create a national digital archives".


The e-learning industry is part of the IT industry and even more, the innovation industry
Intelligent Times/Sun,Wen-Show

Originally published on Intelligent Times 2008-06-04


      Through the promotion of the National Science and Technology Program, National Science & Technology Program Office for e-Learning President/CEO Chen, Gwo- Dong said that Taiwan’s e-learning industry is not just an IT industry, but also an innovation industry, using new technology to create new value.



Issue: TELDAP e-Newsletter (August, 2008)
Publish Date: 08/15 /2008
First Issue: 02/15 /2007
(Published on 15th every 2 months)

Publisher:Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica
Zong-Kun Li
Publishing Department:Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP
Executive Editor:Sub-project: Digital Information - the New and Creative Way of Communicating
Mailing Address:The Institute of History and Phiology,
Academia Sinica No.130, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District,
Taipei City 115, Taiwan
TEL: (02) 27829555 ext:310 or 183
FAX: (02) 2786-8834

The copyright of all contents in this e-Newsletter belongs to TELDAP,Taiwan. The e-Newsletter publishing system is supported by team of Core Platforms for Digital Contents Project for TELDAP.

TELDAP Collections

數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program

Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program


數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 TELDAP.
