TELDAP e-Newsletter (February, 2009)
International News
Limitless Archives, Wireless Learning~Digital Dolce Vita, TELDAP 2008 Results Exhibition
Biodiversity Research Center to Hold Exhibition on Digitization of Taiwan’s Botanical Diversity
Abnormal State- Digital Art Creativity Results Exhibition
Creative Comic Collection Participates in Fancy Frontier 13 & Taipei International Book Exhibition 2009
TELDAP International Conference In conjunction with GRL 2020 & MCN Taiwan Meeting
The Naxi People’s Romeo & Juliet —Introduction of the Naxi People’s Scripture— “Migration of Youth” (I)
Developing New Archive Aesthetics Business Opportunities-“Digital Archives Licensing Value-added Industry Matching Meeting and Results Exhibition”
Digital Archives Specialized Training Courses (7-9) “Core Archive Technology and Systems 1” Successfully Completed on November 12, 19th and 26th
Cultural Thinking in the Digital Age: Report on Participation in the 2008 Culture Mondo Digital Culture and Heritage Roundtable (I)
Effective Use of Blogs Make e-Learning More Diverse
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Effective Use of Blogs Make e-Learning More Diverse
Associate Engineer, Digital Education Institute, Institute for Information Industry/Huang, Yong-Hsin

Since Web 2.0 fever spread all around the world a large number of service websites of various kinds have appeared on-line. The core spirit of Web 2.0 is openness, sharing and joint creativity, not the technology itself, however, its main applications and technologies include Blogs, Wiki, Mash-up, Social Networking, Add-ins. etc. Blog technology has developed the fastest, the reason being that it is easy to use, can be combined with multi-media and it is individual-centered, making it attractive to people. The blog service websites or software that have appeared in the market are as numerous as bamboo shoots after spring rain. Blogs can have an information sharing application for use in life and socializing and, in terms of education application, many users, teachers and authors use Blogs as a knowledge exchange or teaching platform. Below several examples of teaching blogs will be introduced.

● A blog as a medium for a teacher’s professional development:
– A teacher can post what he/she teaches and let it be judged by the public.

– Allows exchange of experience with other teachers and the forming of a community. 

Teachers’ Blog Center

Yichanli’s Elementary School Composition Teaching Record


● A blog as a teaching aid and dialogue medium:
– Lesson outline or supplementary teaching materials can be announced, allowing students to prepare for a class or review what they previously studied.

– Allows students to ask questions or respond at any time, extending and deepening class discussion.

Danshui Junior High School Teaching Blog

Teacher Wu’s Teaching Blog 


● A class blog:
– Class activities can be announced, opinions exchanged and dialogue with parents carried out, strengthening the relationship between parents and teachers.

– Students can post their works, increasing student-student interaction.

Genki Maji Blog

Four in Love


● A blog used for displaying teaching professionalism:

– Articles can be posted to mold a professional image.
– Interaction with readers, carrying out of placement advertising.

DotNet Developer’s Temple 


In addition to being used by students and teachers, blogs can also be used by enterprises. Below a few examples of enterprise application are given.

● A blog used for knowledge sharing:
– Used as a social network tool.
– Sharing knowledge with internal experts  or peers.

HP : Web 2.0 for Marketing Development

IBM Lotus Connections

● A blog for managing customer relations:
– Share company and product development ideas, attracting customers and winning their trust.
– A channel from replying to customers and interacting with them, hearing the voice of the customer.

Microsoft Channel 9

In summary of the above examples, blogs are suitable for informal learning and can be used as a support platform after class for students. The teacher (blog master) can quickly announce learning topics and stimulate student (reader) discussion. A blog can be a space for interaction and exchange between students, teachers and parents, creating a space for knowledge exchange outside the classroom, even for carrying out commercial marketing and raising of profile by establishment of a professional image. In terms of enterprise application, blogs can be used for exchanging knowledge by an enterprise’s employees and also can be expanded for use as a platform for dialogue between an enterprise and customers, upgrading product/service image or managing customer relations.

     In Brandon Hall’s technical report blogs were listed as one of the most important e-learning tools. As Internet technology has developed and evolved, many technologies have not specifically developed for teaching purposes but can be used for teaching. How to use new technology in education and learning to create a suitable and even cross-disciplinary innovative teaching model and learning situation and raise teaching and learning quality will be important issues in the future development of digital learning technology and applications.

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