Information Technology for a Sustainable and Creative Humanosphere
Pacific Neighborhood Consortium
Electronic Cultural Atlases Initiative
Ministry of Education, Taiwan
National Science Counsel, Taiwan
Academia Sinica
DATE: 2008 December 4 – 6 (Thursday – Saturday)
VENUE: La Thanh Hotel, Ha Noi, Vietnam
It’s our pleasure to announce that the PNC 2008 Annual Conference in conjunction with ECAI (Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative) and JVGC (Japan-Vietnam Geoinfomatics Consortium) will be held in La Thanh Hotel, Ha Noi, Vietnam from December 4 to 6, 2008. The main theme for this year’s conference is “Information Technology for a Sustainable and Creative Humanosphere”.
Humanosphere is defined as the earth environment vital to the existence of humans. It includes the Geosphere and the Biosphere. In recent years, critical challenges such as climate change, dwindling of energy, food and water resources have put great pressure on the sustainability of the Humanosphere. These important issues have been studied by many cross-disciplinary research teams. The main theme for this Conference calls for inputs from the perspective of information technology on how our Community could help better understand these crucial issues.
In order to facilitate information exchanges among higher education institutions of Pacific Rim, PNC Annual Conference has been held in many countries over the past thirteen years, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mexico, Japan, Thailand, Hawaii, Korea, and United States. Through these Conferences, PNC witnessed the considerable impacts brought by the speedy changes of Internet Age and leading edge IT technology on Humanity Research. With the kind help of JVCG, efforts made by Vietnam Scholars Communities will be incorporated into PNC to co-construct the portal of e-Neighborhood and e-Scholarship. With the expansion to Vietnam, PNC is expected to move further in promoting interdisciplinary and international cooperation on the development and sharing of Digital Content in our region.
The session format on the PNC 2008 Annual Conference consists of oral presentation, and poster/computer demonstration covering various domains as follows:
Cultural Atlases |
Digital Archive |
Digital Library (Academic Project) |
Digital Library (National and Commercial Projects) |
Digital Museum |
e-Learning |
e-Publishing |
e-Resource |
e-Science |
Gazetteers |
Humanities GIS |
Inscriptions |
Intellectual Property Right |
International Digital Project Collaboration |
Metadata |
Open Source |
Representation of Context |
You're more than welcome to join us! The conference information will soon be available in PNC website at Should you have any further questions regarding PNC 2008 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, please contact PNC Secretariat at
12/04 (Thursday) |
12/05 (Friday) |
12/06 (Saturday) |
0800~ |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
0900~1000 |
1000~1020 |
1020~1030 |
e-Learning I Bridge the Digital Divide |
Strategy for Digital Archive Development under Cultural Diversity |
Data Management of Buddhist Texts |
TELearn 2008 Keynote Speeches |
Break |
Area Informatics: Application of Spatiotemporal Tools to Analyze Data |
Urban Development in Social and Historical |
Joint Session Keynote Speeches (JVGC+PNC+ECAI) |
e-Learning II The Trends and Future of e-Learning with the Web 2.0 Concept |
Digitization 101 I Ensuring Success: Digitization Standards and Process |
Dynamic Mapping |
TELearn 2008 Oral Session 1 |
GIS Application in Environment Disaster |
Context Composition for Cultural Data |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Joint Session Keynote Speeches (JVGC+PNC+ECAI) |
e-Learning III Computer Technology in Chinese e-Learning Instructions of Applications |
Digitization 101 II Digitization and Information Integration of Biological Collections |
Humanities GIS and Analysis |
TELearn 2008 Oral Session 2 |
Digital Gazetteer and Calendar |
Cultural Atlases: Monuments and Texts |
1530~1550 |
1550~1600 |
1600~1620 |
1620~1730 |
1730~1750 |
1750~1830 |
Cooperation and Digitization of Libraries in Taiwan and Vietnam on Southeast Asia Collections |
Creation and Organization of Local Cultural Atlases |
The Integrated Buddhist Archives Network (IBA-net) |
Digitization 101 III What’s Next to Digitizing? |
GIS Explorations in the History of Japan: Humanities GIS |
Break |
Poster Session |
TELearn 2008 Oral Session 3 |
TELearn 2008 Panel Discussion (17:30-18:30) |
Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Computing Centre, Academia Sinica
ADD:128, Sec. 2, Academic Road, Taipei115, Taiwan
TEL: +886 2 2789 9380
FAX: +886 2 2783 6444