e-Newsletter - National Digital Archives Program , Taiwan (2007 October)
The Latest News
[USA] Library of Congress To Host 12th Annual Meeting of the International Comic Arts Forum, Oct. 18-20
[China] ISPRS2008 - Deadline for Abstract Submission: 20 Oct. 2007
Digital Archives Exhibition Center, Academia Sinica Special Exhibition “Riding the Currents of History—Four Millenniums of Civilization and Technology”
IFLA ALP Course on Information Literacy and IT for Information Professionals in Asia and Oceania Wellington, New Zealand; 12 November - 7 December 2007
[Moscow] Earth from space: The most effective solutions 2007; December 4-6, 2007
2007 e-Learning Symposium - Melbourne, 9-11 December 2007
E-Newsletter of NDAP, Taiwan - Notice to contributors
Digital Gallery
[Digital Gallery] welcomes digitized archives all over the world!
Churchill and the Great Republic - A Library of Congress Exhibition
Resounding >
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E-Newsletter of NDAP, Taiwan - Notice to contributors
Digital Information: the New and Creative Way of Communicating/The editorial team
  1. This E-Newsletter is a communicating approach between all the projects and sub-projects of NDAP. [Resounding] is a special column for the readers to share their experiences which contributions related to digital archives are always welcomed. It would be better if the contributors are knowledgeable and interesting. In addition to general discussion and report, topics which are explorative, debated, even controversial are also welcomed.
  2. The contributions can be written in either Chinese or English. Please limit the word counts of your contribution to 2000; 3000-words is the maximum. Relevant visual files and succinct explanations are welcomed.
  3. Please email your contribution to newsletter@ndap.org.tw. Please refer your Chinese or English real name, position and organisation, TEL, Email or FAX number in the letter.
  4. After our editor team examines the contributions, we will notify the authors. We have the rights to modify the contributions.
  5. After the contribution is published, the author will be paid according to the government regulations. Where you are invited to submit any contribution to E-Newsletter of NDAP, Taiwan (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution, and in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in general Privacy Policy. If you do not want to grant to the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to E-Newsletter of NDAP, Taiwan.
  6. Payment for the contribution is limited to the author's own work. Copied, rewrite, and contributions owing to the duty or project are not paid.
  7. By submitting your contribution to E-Newsletter of NDAP, Taiwan, you warrant that your contribution is your own original work and that you have the right to make it available for all the purposes specified above.

Thanks for your support and encouragement to the E-Newsletter of NDAP!


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