EPaper - National Digital Archives Program (2007 Feb)
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Interviewing Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica and program director of the second phase of NDAP
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Interviewing Tsui-jung Liu, Vice President of Academia Sinica and program director of the second phase of NDAP
Yi-Chung Li/Translation: Carol Yang

Time: 2007/01/05 A.M.10:00

Place: Administration of Academia Sinica



The first phase (from 2002 to 2006) of NDAP is overall finished so far. Professor Liu, the vice president of Academia Sinica, praises and appreciates the precious digital content groundwork that established by the first phase of NDAP. The main achievements of the first phase of NDAP are:


1.      Digitizing and selecting the most representative cultural resources and wealth in Taiwan. Over half of the important cultural and related academic research information and resources have been digitized; also considerable metadata criteria and standard have been built.

2.      Combining the power of industry, government, education and research. In this way, academic research, practical application and technology transfer can be fully connected and integrated so that the results can be as an important reference to other programs or projects.

3.      Training up people of talents in digital archive related fields actively.

4.      Participating and scheming international conferences. This was highly honored by international digital archive associated organizations; in addition, several significant interaction achievements were accomplished during the process.


Reviewing the first phase of NDAP, we can see that abundant digital archives have been established during the first and the second year positively. From the third year, promotion and advertising has been practiced fruitfully. About National Science Council, in order to set development of digital policy into action, National Science Council has decided to combine the advantages of both National Digital Archives Program and National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning and scheme. The front burner is to adopt opinions via the close communications between Academia Sinica and National Science Council, and bring up more thorough plans towards the structure and direction of the program. In this way, future scheme will be implemented and executed.


The three main goals of the second phase of NDAP are:


(1) to present the variety of culture and nature in Taiwan

(2) to encourage digital contents and techniques applying in industry, education, research and society development

(3) to further the outcomes of NDAP international; to establish global cooperative network


About past executed tasks, in addition to promotion plans, the connections and communications between the main program office and sub-program offices should be improved. Each office should detach certain colleagues to participate the assignments of the main office. Thus, sub-program offices can understand the working process of the main office, and via the interactions the communications between offices can be implemented well. What’s more, the status of assistants is very important. I hope that assistants can build good connecting and harmonious relationships so that the tasks can be set into action effectively.


The achievements of NDAP have a favorable view globally. I hope that everybody can keep on making concerted efforts to operate and conduct the accomplished fundamentals continuously. Also, we have to keep working on promoting the achievements of NDAP to industry and education, so that the benefits of NDAP can be brought into full play greatly.

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